This is a wonderful article - it says so much in so few words + (hopefully) I can now better defend myself when my sanctimonious friends proudly state that their children have chosen not to have children because the planet is so overpopulated and, of course, not forgetting climate change... I cannot help feeling that many young people today are unwilling to make sacrifices but want to lead their lives without responsibility and that grandmothers (my generation) have bought into the trendy carefree globe trotting ancients - I am a great-grandmother myself and so feel free to be both sexist and ageist!!! ... I wish happiness for everybody - young and old, male and female. For the most part, I find Life pretty sterile, what with people's obsession for a perfect and easy life - Life is messy and people are messy, which makes Life one hell of a ride 🙂

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Thank you Elixir. I hope that if I am lucky enough to be able to retire someday that I have enough energy and imagination left over to do something really good and meaningful with some of that free time that usually comes with retirement. I'm like you, I really don't want perfect or easy, I just want meaning.

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This is a lovely read before I spend the day digging and planting and mulching. I wonder, though if Mr. Steiner's understanding of serial reincarnation is in any way accurate. I have been shown that, on the contrary, from a larger perspective, all of this happens at once and it is possible that each of us has several concurrent avatars on earth at once . So the notion that there is a limited number of human souls is ... well... just plain silly.

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There is a possibility that at certain levels of existence time was we know it does not exist. So if you were shown something from one of those other levels then everything would be all at once. But it may be that at the level we are at right now, there really is linear time.

If you have other concurrent avatars, are you conscious of them? or do you know anyone who is? do you know of a way to become conscious of them? Along the lines you have proposed, when a baby is born, is it just another avatar for a human soul that is already on Earth, and already has other avatars?

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First of all, so many Libs believe that climate change is going to ruin us and their fear of this without doing any real research is astounding. People don't realize that we are connected to mother earth. They are not aware that corporations have been getting in between we the people and the earth. That has always been the goal of the giant corporations not to mention controlling and manipulating the people by dumbing us down and poisoning our environment. In other words. when more people can wake up and have faith in God then the collective consciousness will speed it up and receive God's abundance and stop living in so much fear!!

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Interesting article and I agree those that want children should have them. I bought into the overpopulation crap my high school science teacher was pushing back in the late 1960s-early 1970s. It was an easy decision to make since I needed to work and had no interest in children of my own anyway. And Mom made her contribution by telling me and my siblings that we “ruined” her life by having children. Out of the 5 of us my sister is the only one who had kids. Glad there are those who carry on despite the challenges.

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I had a sort of related experience where because of things that happened in my childhood I didn't want kids and for a long time I was absolutely certain I

never would. But luckily my thinking somehow turned a 180 degrees and now I have two.

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Same here...I have two sisters, and none of us chose to have kids. Not for obvious reasons...much like your story. Mom loved us, but I always had a strong sense of pain she was feeling because of us...it just didn't seem appealing to me to have kids and put that on myself and my wife. Career then of course got in the way.

Unlike the author here, I have not had the opportunity to have them...so never did. I remarried when my first wife died, to a woman who had two kids, 10 and 13 at the time, so I got a taste of it..and realized how important it was. Cindy, my wife and mother of the kids, is an incredible mother.

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Led to your article by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP. Was not disappointed. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you! and glad you liked it.

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